Privacy policy

We care about your personal privacy, so we always take care of your data in a secure way. So why do we even need your information? And how do we use it? Here’s everything you need to know regarding our data processing.

3 Quick Questions About Personal Data:

1. A better customer experience.

Your personal data enables us to provide you with a custom-tailored experience when you shop at Nelly/NLYman.

2. Safety first!

Your information is always protected with us and we do our best to ensure you feel and can be secure with how we process that information.

3. You decide.

No spam. Nothing unnecessary. And we only hold onto your data as long as needed. After that, it’s a one-way trip to deletesville.

What else do you wanna know?

About Personal Data

We at Nelly/NLYman have always considered the safe and secure processing of your personal data a top priority. Our goal is to diligently follow all the rules and regulations regarding the protection of your personal data. This policy outline is designed to help you in a variety of ways; such as clarifying which information we gather and how that information is used. You’re always welcome to contact us with any questions or concerns regarding the processing of your information. Nelly NLY AB, (”Nelly”/"NLYman"/”we”), 556653-8822, Box 690, SE-501 13 Borås are personally responsible for processing your personal data. You can find relevant contact information here.

Which Personal Data Do We Process?

The information we process about you varies slightly depending on whether you are an unregistered customer who is casually surfing and shopping or if you created an account and are thus a registered user. Below, you can read more as to what each category entails.


To handle your orders and purchases, we require the following information about you:

  • Name

  • Address, phone number and e-mail

  • Date of birth (for some payment methods)

  • Payment information and payment history

  • Information about your order (for ex: order number, product(s), delivery address, and invoice)

We do this with the legal grounds Completion of the Purchase Agreement; without which, we would be unable to complete our transaction with you. The information is saved for 36 months, from the time both delivery and payment have been processed, for the purpose of helping you with potential complaints and returns.

If you choose the "Save for my next payment” option, we'll save your card information for future safe purchasing with your consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time.

In order to comply with the rules and regulations to which we must adhere, we require the following information about you;

  • Name

  • Address

  • Phone number and e-mail

  • Payment information and payment history

  • Information about your order (for ex: order number, product(s) and delivery address)

We do this with the legal grounds of complying with legal obligations; that is to comply with the laws to which we must adhere. The Book-keeping Act is one example as to why we save this information (with limited access) for 7 years, in addition to the current year. This information will not be accessible to the customer service department, for example.

In order to provide you with customer service, we require the following information about you;

  • Name

  • Phone number and e-mail

  • Date of birth (for some payment methods)

  • Payment information and payment history

  • Information about your order (for ex: order number, product(s), delivery address, and invoice)

  • Information you yourself provide during your communication with us

We do this with the legal grounds of the processing being necessary to satisfy our and your legitimate interest to any questions you may have. We save the information for 14 months from the time your customer service inquiry is closed.

In order to offer you a personalized site which provides the best possible shopping experience, that is with optimally relevant product representation and recommendations, we require the following information about you;

  • IP

  • Data collected from cookies and the like. For example, on which products you clicked and your shopping history

We then analyze this data and provide you with product recommendations for other (similar) products on our site in which you may be interested. We do this with your consent provided via the cookie-banner on our site. This data is saved no more than 36 months from the time of your latest activity or the withdrawal of your consent. If you want us to erase this data you can at anytime contact us and we will erase it.

If you even wish to clear all your cookie data, which removes all history, click here.

In order to customize our marketing for you, showing our products and deals on both our site and those of our partners, we process different information depending on whether you already are a customer or not. If you visited our site but have not made any purchases before, then we process the following information about you:

  • IP addresses

  • Data collected from cookies and the like. For example, on which products you clicked, which pages you visited and what led you to our site; whether that be an advertisement or some other source

If you ordered from us in the last 12 months, but you are not a member, then we process the following information about you:

  • Address, e-mail and phone number

  • IP-addresses

  • Date of birth

  • Information and history about your orders, such as order number, product, size, etc.

  • Data collected from cookies and the like. For example, on which products you clicked, which pages you visited and what led you to our site; whether that be an advertisement or some other source

We do this with the legal ground of the processing being necessary to satisfy our legitimate interest in marketing our products to you for up to one year after your latest activity on our site. To do this, we use various external advertising services and collaborative partners. You can read more about this gathering, sharing and use of data, as well as remove the information used in these channels by following the instructions provided in the links below:





If you even wish to clear all your cookie data, which removes all history, click here.

We also work in collaboration with Awin, a partner who helps us advertise via channels such as those of influencers and other online publishers. Nelly/NLYman and Awin share responsibility for the data you provide as a result of following affiliate links from a blog or advertisement. You can read more about this here:

To send you our newsletter, provide you access to various deals, provide you with the option to participate in customer surveys, provide feedback, participate in PR- or customer events, or ask a question in our customer forum, we require the following information about you;

  • Name

  • Address, phone number and e-mail

  • Company, title

  • Information you personally provide (e.g. your views, feedback and the like)

We do this only upon receiving your consent during the providing of said information. Storage time can vary depending on the situation, but it always complies with the period of time specified during the giving of consent.

We send our newsletter and other offers with the legal ground of legitimate interest, until you actively unsubscribe from our newsletter on my pages or in the newsletter.

In order to prevent misuse of our services or avoid, prevent and investigate crimes against the company, we require the following information;

  • Name

  • Address, phone number and e-mail

  • Payment information (such as the repeated use of invalid card numbers and the like)

  • Information about returns and deliveries

  • IP-addresses

  • Any customer notes

  • Customer service history

This use is necessary because we have a legitimate interest in preventing misuse of our services and avoiding, preventing and investigating crimes against the company. Such information is saved as long as it is relevant in relation to the circumstance in question, but rarely exceeds upwards of 36 months.

In order to analyze, develop and improve our services, products and systems, we require the following information about you;

  • Purchasing and user-generated data, such as click and hit history

  • Technical data surrounding devices and their settings (for ex: language, IP-address, web browser settings, time zone, operating system, and platform).

  • Information regarding how you interact with us. For example how you use the site, login method, where and how long you visit certain pages, response times, error codes, how you arrive to and leave the service, etc.

To surpass your expectations as a customer and to only offer you relevant products and offers, we use your personal information to analyze, develop and improve services, products and systems. We do this through analysis on an aggregated level, ie that the analysis is general and not at an individual level. We deem this processing necessary to satisfy our legitimate interest to offer you the best possible experience.

The analyses are carried out, among other things, in order to adjust the user average for site visitor and to improve IT-systems with the purpose of improving security on the site for our customers.

We use your personal information for development and improvement purposes only when this is absolutely necessary and cannot be achieved in any other way. We save the data, as a basis for the plain text analysis, up to one year after your most recent activity. After which, we pseudonymize the information, meaning we depersonalize it so as to make the identification of the provider (you) anonymous. If, within two years of pseudonymization, you decide you want to undo the change, we can reconnect your information with your previous visits to our site and show that you are a returning customer so as to understand how returning customers generally interact with our site. If more than two years have passed since pseudonymization, we are unfortunately no longer able to revive your information and your history is cleared.

The information we use for improvement and analysis generally was collected for a different purpose, such as in conjunction with a purchase or becoming a member. The information will only be used for as long as necessary to achieve that purpose. After that, the information is deleted for this processing.


By creating an account at Nelly and therefore registering as a member, you accept our membership terms.

In order to fulfill our agreement with you as a member, we require the following information about you;

  • Name

  • Address, phone number and e-mail

  • Date of birth

  • Information and history regarding all your orders, such as order number, product(s), delivery address, invoice, etc.

  • Information about your return history and notes relating to such

  • Data collected from cookies and the like, for example which products you click on, like or share through social media channels and information provided during competitions and promotions

We do this with the legal grounds of adhering to the membership agreement; without this information we are unable to fulfill our agreement with you and offer the benefits your registration and account provide as established in the terms of the agreement. One of the benefits of membership, and as an integrated part of that membership, we personalize your experience based on how you interact with us and what we think you like as a result. This information is saved until you personally decide to terminate your account or the account is automatically closed after 36 months of inactivity.

Please observe that information such as your order history, use of the site and similar information are required in order for us, Nelly, to fulfill our agreement with you. As a result, the information is saved as long as you have an account, in accordance with the membership terms.

Who Can We Share Your Information With?

We sometimes share data, such as personal information, with various recipients in order to provide the services mentioned above. We never sell your information to anyone else without your approval. Potential recipients of your information are:

Delivery Service Providers

In order to fulfill the purposes of our processing of your personal information, we share your personal data with companies providing services to us, for ex: to process the sending and delivery of your items or providing certain systems. These companies can only process your personal information according to our explicit instructions and cannot use your information for any other reason.

Payment Service Providers

In order to manage payments via the site, we use various payment services. The payment service provider is responsible for their own handling of your personal information and has separate conditions which apply for them. Information regarding their conditions and handling of your personal data can be found when you choose which payment method to use on the site.

Collaborative Partners

In order to enable our partners to usher traffic to us via their channels, we provide information such as order numbers and purchase prices. The information is only shared for this purpose and is not sold or forwarded.

Other Recipients

We can send your data to other recipients, for ex: government organizations, if required of us by law. If all or a portion of our organization is sold or integrated with another organization, your personal data can be provided to our advisors, potential buyers and their advisors, and are passed on to the new owners of the business.

Transfers Outside the EU

Some services or payment services can take place outside the EU. We never transmit any data outside the EU without taking the appropriate security measures and acquiring legal support for the transfer. For example, through Binding Corporate Rules (BCR) or the Commission's Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC).

Your Rights

You have the right to know which of your personal data we use. This can be provided through a so-calledYe registry extract. If you have an account, you can log in to My Pages to see which data we have on you, for ex: contact information, your bonus points, your personal rebates, and other goodies. If you have not registered as a member or wish to receive a complete registry extract, you can contact our customer service and we will be glad to help you.

We want to ensure that your personal information is correct and up-to-date. With that in mind, you have the right to request the correction of inaccurate data about you. If the information you provided changes (for ex. if you change your e-mail address, name or payment information) or if you wish to delete your account, simply contact our customer service.

Regarding instances involving the ways in which we process your personal data through the consent provided by you, you always have the right (at any time) to withdraw your consent regarding that processing. You are also entitled to oppose some processing, for example direct marketing purposes and newsletters. In some circumstances, you even have the right to have your personal information deleted or blocked. This does not apply if we are required by law, for example, to preserve or otherwise process the information or if the information is required to fulfill an agreement with you.


If you have any questions regarding how we process your personal data, you are always welcome to contact us, whether at [email protected] or our data protection agent, who can most easily be reached at [email protected]. If you are unsatisfied with the answers you receive from us or how we process your data, you are entitled to file a complaint with the corresponding supervising authority.


Read more about cookies here.

Last updated: 2024-03-20